Forgive me for playing a record well aged and dust covered
But everytime I look into your eyes it gives me a rush
Tooth pain and stomach aches feel more like nostalgia
As memories of cinnamon candy and dark chocolate fill me with pleasure
It's a shame that some of you want to hide your eyes
Jealousy covered fallacies blind everyone, even you
But I suppose it's selfish of me to believe I'm obligated to them
Or maybe you lock them away, because you know
You know that if you opened those twin windows, I'd lean far enough to fall in them
Into a warm and dark quilt with speckles of sunlight carefully intertwined
I see halos above your head. All shapes; all colors
Only a divine God could create strands that defy gravity itself
The coils tease the air, "How dare you try to pull me down? I will sit as I please!"
Not even the hands of the head they rest on can tame it,
"Foolish air and foolish hands; you pull me down and yet I stand!" It sings, grabbing your combs and clips and showing off it's strength
And yet it cries for nourishment near daily, only the finest food
Coconut and peppermint, satiates the hungry child that rests on your shoulders
What arrogant hair you have! So difficult! So uncouth!
When you think this, I ask to remember, that we can't fault it entirely
The kings and queens it sat upon, ages before you, spoiled it rotten!
If you're caretakers turned to lion tamers and you bare your teeth and roar aw well.
Such an odd place they’ve put you in
Twisted corridors covered in snakes that sing of freedom. A labyrinth.
They tell you to run.
Run and run and you’ll make it out of here.
You can be like us! You’ll be worthy! But they change the shape
“Not enough.” They say, as your skin loses color from sweating the hope of escape
“Too much.” They say, as scream to the heavens for a reason why they’ve punished you
Stop running. Wasting your light on the blind.
They toy with you, because dolls don’t know who they are.
Playthings don’t dance with their lovers or sing in the rain
Their button eyes tell no stories
Their hands create nothing
They don’t laugh or cry the way you do
Do not let them play you. What a bold choice to make?
There’s no need to find the exit when your breath can make the walls bow before.
One by one.
I could spend hours marvelling at your body
Detailing every curve and edge, every hair and muscle that is unlike any other
But I’d be foolish to do so
Spilling out the same dribble of thousands of admirers isn’t very polite
The audacity I have to think that your art, your strength, your spirit, only need a few lines of mention
The ignorance I posses to only put a few words to your grace
I could speak a thousand tongues in the heart of Babylon and still fail to tell your story.
For this I’m deeply sorry, but I don’t doubt that I have nothing left to say
So much to say and yet my lips and eyes are stuck
You’re deeply magnetic
Pulling everything towards with an invisible hand
Pouring so much joy and poise that our cups run over
All this to just say, I’m grateful
I’m grateful that you may feel the divineness that everybody sees in you